Canadian Pharmacists Association
Canadian Pharmacists Association

Year in Review 2022 Banner


2023 at a glance


As we take a look back at the past year, we are struck once again by the incredible resiliency shown by pharmacy teams and their desire and will to continually evolve and grow to meet the needs of their patients and communities. CPhA published priorities updates in February and September of this year to keep you updated on our activities, and we’re proud to look back and see the progress we’ve made, both as an association and as a profession. From wellness to diversity to content, we've worked hard this year to be the association you count on us to be. Join us for a review of our 2023 journey, and know that we’re looking forward to all of the work we’ll accomplish together next year.


Pharmacy’s national voice


In 2023, we helped connect federal officials to the pharmacy voices on the front lines and worked hard to ensure pharmacists were recognized and heard.


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As the federal government begins to work with the provinces to identify potential policy options and solutions to address prescription drug coverage in Canada, CPhA has released a document outlining key priorities and considerations from a pharmacy perspective. In November, CEO Glen Doucet wrote a blog post outlining CPhA’s efforts to date on this file and where things might go from here.

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Coalition for Health Workers

In early 2023, CPhA was invited to join the Coalition for Action for Health Workers, a new Government of Canada coalition that informs immediate and longer-term solutions to address significant health workforce challenges. This invitation came as a result of our advocacy efforts and will provide us with a direct and significant opportunity to influence government policy on addressing the ongoing health human resources crisis.

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Drug shortages

In April, CPhA released a series of recommendations to the federal government, urging it to take action to prioritize drug supply and implement measures to reduce and better prepare for drug shortages. Throughout the year, CPhA has been a leading voice on drug shortages with the government and media. We’ve participated in regular national stakeholder meetings—from Ozempic and nitroglycerin shortages to analgesic and antibiotic supply—and represented pharmacists in dozens of media interviews.


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Drug pricing

This fall, the pan-Canadian Pharmaceutical Alliance (pCPA) and Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (CGPA) announced a generic pricing agreement that includes no price reductions for existing drugs. This is an important win for our sector in light of the current economic pressures on pharmacies, and CPhA led advocacy efforts to help governments understand the downstream impact. CPhA also continued to monitor the new regulatory process for the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) and has continued to press for delays in implementation to provide more time for pharmacies to adjust.

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Third-party payers

CPhA worked hard this year to represent pharmacy in discussions with third-party payers, advocating against changes that will have a negative effect on pharmacies and patients. In July, we provided information, tools and speaking points to help pharmacists support their patients with the transition of the Public Service Health Care Plan to Canada Life. Late this year, we learned about new service fees being implemented by Express Scripts Canada. We are strongly opposed to these fees and we are pursuing all avenues available to advocate against their implementation.

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Federal government engagement

CPhA continued our extensive federal outreach program, meeting with government representatives and providing feedback on a variety of topics, including the budget, Canada Health Transfer, improving access to medications and investments in community-based care. In May, Editor-in-Chief and Acting Chief Pharmacist Officer Dr. Barry Power appeared before the Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology to discuss CPhA’s support for natural health products’ regulations through the expansion of Vanessa’s Law.


Engaging with and supporting the profession


Everything we do as an association is intended to support the profession of pharmacy and the pharmacy teams that play such a critical role in the health-care system. In 2023 we continued to focus our efforts on initiatives and priorities both for and about you.

Pharmacy Workforce Wellness Initiative Icon

The Pharmacy Workforce Wellness Initiative made a number of significant advancements through 2023 and it remains a high priority for CPhA as we move into 2024. Projects this year included:

Pharmacy Workforce Challenges

Workforce Planning Study

IPG Survey


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Strategic planning process
As we near the end of 2023, we’re also nearing the end of our 2021–2023 Strategic Plan. Our board and staff have been hard at work this year assessing, consulting and engaging with the pharmacy community to outline the next steps for our organization. Thank you to everyone who completed our surveys or participated in our focus groups. Your thoughts and feedback were invaluable to ensuring that the direction we set is reflective of and responsive to the needs and priorities of the profession. We’re looking forward to unveiling this new plan early in 2024.

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Pharmacy Claim Standard
As the Secretariat for the Pharmacy Claim Standard (PCS), CPhA has been leading the work of the Steering Committee and the Technical Working Group, who have been assessing potential changes to the PCS and who are currently discussing an implementation plan. Some challenges remain, primarily on how to prioritize certain changes and how to balance the priorities of both payers and pharmacies in a cost-effective manner. Work will continue into 2024 and CPhA remains committed to helping develop and implement a claims adjudication system that will serve the profession now and into the future.

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Surveying the profession and the public
CPhA conducted a number of surveys with the public and the pharmacy community over the course of the year. Some of the issues we asked the profession about include drug shortages, licensing process for IPGs, understanding pharmacy practice needs and experiences and continuing education needs. National public opinion surveys included our annual role of the pharmacist and vaccination surveys. Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts and experiences.

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Sharing your voice: Pharmacy Check-in series
We love meeting you and sharing your stories. This year, we caught up with more than 20 pharmacists and pharmacy students from across the country and asked them about their passions and why they do what they do. Some of the people we met who make up this incredible profession have expertise in diverse communities, immunization, research, antimicrobial resistance and more. Meet them and learn about some of the ways they’re supporting patients in their communities.

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Engage with us: CPhA’s new Pharmacy Virtual Advisory Team
Sharing your voice and your front-line experiences helps us ensure that the work we’re doing is meaningful and relevant to you and your practice. This year, CPhA launched a new way to engage: the Pharmacy Virtual Advisory Team (PVAT). This group helps us bring timely and ongoing feedback on the realities of pharmacy practice to governments and other stakeholders, and supports our strategic initiatives. Initially focused on providing information regarding current drug shortage situations, the PVAT will also be asked to provide feedback on a range of other relevant topics as they arise. Find out more about the PVAT and other ways you can engage with CPhA.

In depth: Diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility at CPhA

Fostering a culture of belonging and community is important for pharmacy teams, for the patients we serve, and for the board and staff at CPhA. We’ve made diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility a cornerstone of our efforts, and are continually striving to do better to engage with and support those who need it most.

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IDEA Initiative: This year, CPhA launched the IDEA Initiative, bringing together a collection of tools, resources and information focused on fostering inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA). While all of CPhA’s efforts are developed and reviewed with diversity in mind, our IDEA Initiative serves as a dedicated platform to concentrate additional attention on targeted activities.

Indigenous Pharmacy Professionals of Canada Icon

Indigenous Pharmacy Professionals of Canada: CPhA is proud to support the work of the Indigenous Pharmacy Professionals of Canada (IPPC). In its first year, IPPC has grown exponentially, recruiting a board of directors and core staff team, launching membership and consulting with a variety of stakeholders on issues related to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action, among other key milestones. Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors Johnson & Johnson, Shoppers Drug Mart, Green Shield Canda and Sobeys, IPPC and CPhA were thrilled to launch the IPPC Indigenous Pharmacy Scholarship, and we announced our inaugural recipients in September.

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Clinical and therapeutic content: There is a long history of systemic racism and bias in health-care education and publications. As a leading publisher of drug and therapeutic information, CPhA recognizes our responsibility and the role our content can play in ensuring equitable care, and we’ve undertaken an extensive review of all our clinical content to identify, assess and address instances of bias, racism and discrimination. Take a look at our website to learn more about our efforts, including our process, updates and next steps in our ongoing commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.


These are just some of the activities CPhA is undertaking to help shape a more progressive and compassionate pharmacy world that celebrates diversity and empowers every pharmacist to thrive. Stay tuned for more in 2024.

Explore our IDEA activities



How the role of pharmacists grew in 2023


The momentum in pharmacy continued in 2023 with some big developments as governments continued to look towards pharmacists to meet our health-care needs. From coast to coast to coast, we’ve witnessed pharmacists further empowered to practice to the full extent of their education and to serve their patients with fewer barriers.

From new authorities allowing pharmacists to assess and prescribe for minor ailments for the first time in some provinces, to the expansion of minor ailments programs and funding in others and the growth of pharmacy-led primary care clinics, here’s a look at some of this year’s highlights:

scope timeline graphic

We were kept very busy with regular updates to our scope of practice charts this year, including the launch of new pharmacist prescribing and contraception prescribing/funding charts to highlight the expansion of pharmacists role in these areas specifically.


Education, resources and content


In addition to our materials supporting pharmacy professionals through a number of critical drug shortages this year, CPhA developed additional practice tools and resources in other areas and made key updates to our clinical content.

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Drug & therapeutic information

Thanks to our team of expert authors, reviewers and editors, our drug and therapeutic content was updated regularly throughout 2023 to ensure health-care professionals have access to the most up-to-date information. This year we focused some of our efforts on developing easy-to-use infographics and tools to more effectively support patient care.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) assessment resource: CPhA developed a new UTI assessment tool to help identify complicated vs. uncomplicated UTIs. Designed to help guide discussions with patients, this resource outlines the various symptoms, anatomy and general health factors to consider during an assessment. Though broadly applicable to all patients who may present with UTI symptoms, this tool was initially created with input from members of the trans community to facilitate discussions with that patient population and to help ensure they have appropriate access to care either at the pharmacy or via referral.

CPS Full Access for minor ailments: With several provinces increasing pharmacists’ abilities to assess and prescribe for minor ailments this year, CPS Full Access was a trusted, go-to source for drug and therapeutic information, helping pharmacists across Canada treat minor ailments for their patients. CPhA also announced a partnership with the MAPflow clinical decision-making tool, combining 2 powerful resources to streamline workflow and documentation.


Practice webinars Icon

Pharmacy practice webinars and recordings

This year we tried out a few new formats for our educational activities. In addition to 6 live webinars, CPhA produced 4 recorded sessions and provided audio versions of several of our events. Focused on topics including head and neck cancer prevention, contraception, 2SLGBTQ+, Indigenous pharmacy experience, pharmacare, drug shortages, acute pain and greener pharmacies, our 2023 educational events reached more than 2500 pharmacy team members across the country.

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Drug shortages resources

Following the unprecedented shortages of common medications we saw last season, Health Canada, CPhA and other stakeholders continued to engage in regular discussions about our drug supply. In addition to providing ongoing updates on intermittent shortages of children’s pain and fever medications and antibiotics earlier in the year, CPhA created tools and resources to help pharmacists support their patients through emerging shortages of Ozempic and Nitroglycerine spray/tablets.


Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit  Icon

Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit

In November, CPhA launched a new collection of resources to help improve access to sexual and reproductive health services for underserved populations across the country. Part of the CART Access Project, a project funded by Health Canada’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund, CPhA’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Toolkit is focused on two types of SRH services, medication abortion and contraception. It contains a variety of resources designed to be easily integrated into practice and will help pharmacists facilitate safe, stigma-free pharmacy environments and empower individuals seeking care.

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Canadian Pharmacists Journal

Six issues of the Canadian Pharmacists Journal were published in 2023, featuring a wide range of research, practice tools and commentary on pressing topics such as pharmacists’ involvement in antidepressant discontinuation, interprofessional chronic pain clinics, dispensing mifepristone for medical abortion and prescribing pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV. Each issue was available both on the CPJ website and as a digital journal sent out to more than 35,000 readers. A special supplement was published in January about the CARD (Comfort Ask Relax Distract) vaccine delivery program, and a bonus issue, highlighting articles from the past few years on the topics of vaccination and COVID, was sent out in November.


CPhA Chair
New board members Genevieve Young, Kara O’Keefe and Bruce Winston

Board of Directors
In June, we thanked our outgoing board members Jim Armour (Individual Director), Neil Cameron (RxA), Christina Tulk (PANL) and Diane Harpell (PANS) and offered a warm welcome to new board members Genevieve Young (Individual Director), Bruce Winston (RxA), Kara O’Keefe (PANL) and Laurie Deal (PANS). Under the leadership of Chair Shawn Bugden and Vice Chair Annette Robinson, the CPhA Board of Directors remains dedicated to guiding the work that we do on your behalf and ensuring that the voices of our members and stakeholders are heard and considered in our decision-making processes.




Canadian Pharmacist of the Year

Canadian Pharmacist of the Year
Dr. Carole Goodine

CPJ Best Paper of the Year

CPJ Best Paper of the Year

Cheryl Sadowski

Dean George A. Burbidge Award

Dean George A. Burbidge Award

Zachary Kronbauer


CPhA Centennial Leadership Award

Indraj Uppal, University of British Columbia Alison Cheung, University of Alberta
Ryan Chan, University of Saskatchewan Madison Wong, University of Manitoba
Theodora Solomon Udounwa, University of Toronto Kristy Wong, University of Waterloo
Audrey Noël-Blanchette, Université Laval Mikhail-Paul Cardinal, Université de Montréal
Carter VanIderstine, Dalhousie University Caitlyn Coles, Memorial University

Pharmacy Appreciation Month

In March, CPhA celebrated Pharmacy Appreciation Month, thanking pharmacists across the country for their ongoing efforts for their patients and their communities. This year’s campaign urged Canadians and the profession to discover the power of pharmacy and featured a series of videos, a social media campaign, the #MyFavePharm patient contest, a Q&A in MediaPlanet with CPhA's Chief Pharmacist Officer Dr. Danielle Paes and a special PAM message from then Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos and then Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Carolyn Bennett. Thank you pharmacy!

Pharmacy Appreciation Month banner


Thank you to our partners


CPhA is grateful for the ongoing and continuous support of our partners and stakeholders. We thank you for your partnership and your dedication to the profession of pharmacy.

Organizational Members

AFPC Logo RxA Logo AQPP Logo BCPhA Logo 

NBPA Logo OPA Logo PANL Logo PANS Logo

Pharmacy Association of Saskatchewan PEIPha Logo Pharmacists Manitoba Logo 


Pharmacy Network

CSHP Logo   London Drugs logo McKesson logo     Sobey's logo Walmart Yukon Pharmacists Association Logo


Organizational Affiliates

    Kenvue logo  Moderna logo Organon logo   


Webinar & Initiative sponsors

   Johnson & Johnson logo  Haleon JnJ Logo    Loblaws Logo Sobey's logo   


Heart Failure Symposium sponsors

CSHP Logo Servier Logo Bayer logo AZ Logo

Novartis logo CCPN logo

Alliance Logo