Board of Directors
Each year CPhA members elect a Board of Directors to manage the organization’s affairs. CPhA directors and officers adhere to the following code of conduct.
Meet CPhA's current Board of Directors
- Chair & British Columbia Pharmacy Association
Annette Robinson is the CPhA Chair and BCPhA representative.
- Vice Chair & Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires
Joseph Amiel is the Vice Chair and the Association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires (AQPP) representative.
- Individual Director
Genevieve Young is an Individual Director.
- Individual Director
Denis Gauthier is an Individual Director.
- Individual Director
Catherine Rosebrugh is an Individual Director.
- Association of Faculties of Pharmacy of Canada
Shawn Bugden is the AFPC representative on the Board.
- Alberta Pharmacists' Association
Bruce Winston is the Alberta Pharmacists' Association (RxA) representative.
- New Brunswick Pharmacists' Association
Dennis Abud is the New Brunswick Pharmacists' Association (NBPA) representative.
- Ontario Pharmacists Association
Deb Saltmarche is the Ontario Pharmacists Association (OPA) representative.
- Pharmacists' Association of Newfoundland and Labrador
Kara O'Keefe is the Pharmacists' Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (PANL) representative.
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