Canadian Pharmacists Association
Canadian Pharmacists Association

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CPO Conversations: On our new direction
In the newest issue of CPO Conversations, our Chief Pharmacist Officer, Dr. Danielle Paes, reflects on CPhA’s new Strategic Plan, the current pharmacy environment and where we’re headed next.

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Hormone replacement Banner

New drug shortage resources: Hormone replacement therapy and carbamazepine CR
There are ongoing supply challenges impacting estrogen transdermal patches, vaginal rings (Estring) and carbamazepine CR in Canada. CPhA has developed 3 new clinical resources to support pharmacists as they help their patients navigate these shortages and available alternatives.

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Make your mark! CPS seeking new authors and reviewers
CPhA is seeking new authors and reviewers to help keep our CPS content up to date and on the cutting edge of clinical practice. As a CPS author or reviewer, you’ll join a respected group of experts, sharing your knowledge, giving back to the profession and earning an honorarium for your time.

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Transforming Primary Care in Canada Summit: Livestream registration now open!
Join us online on June 6 at the Transforming Primary Care in Canada Summit. This inaugural event will bring together health-care leaders to help build consensus on the future role of pharmacy teams in delivering primary care across the country. Check out our website to learn about the sessions, speakers and register for the livestream.

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Budget Banner

Signs of support: Navigating deaf and hard of hearing culture in pharmacy practice
In this new series of videos, Dr. Ashley Walker, a deaf pharmacist, provides an overview of appropriate etiquette when dealing with deaf or hard of hearing colleagues and patients, resources available in Canada and some basic sign language to help you better serve this population. These resources are part of CPhA’s IDEA Dialogues series.

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May is Hypertension Awareness Month Banner

May is Hypertension Awareness Month
May marks Hypertension Awareness Month – a time to educate, raise awareness and advocate for regular blood pressure screenings. The updated Hypertension chapter in CPS Full Access can be an essential resource for educating and providing optimal care to your patients with hypertension.

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Choosing Wisely Canada releases climate-conscious recommendations
Health care shouldn’t harm the planet. That’s why Choosing Wisely Canada, in collaboration with over 20 clinical specialties, has released 40+ climate-conscious recommendations on tests/treatments we can stop or reduce to improve planetary health without compromising patient care. CPhA and the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP) collaborated on 5 joint climate-conscious recommendations for pharmacists that will be published as part of the new campaign.

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CPJ Best Paper of the Year: Dr. Sherilyn Houle Banner

CPJ Best Paper of the Year: Dr. Sherilyn Houle
Dr. Sherilyn K.D. Houle has been awarded the CPJ Best Paper of the Year for her paper, “Herpes zoster and human papillomavirus vaccination opportunities identified using electronic prompts at the time of scheduling influenza or COVID-19 vaccines.” In this study, Dr. Houle and co-authors Mhd. Wasem Alsabbagh and Nancy M. Waite explore the potential to perform age-based vaccine screening using pharmacy appointment-scheduling software and the public’s willingness to engage with pharmacists in discussing other vaccination needs.

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engagement feature in CPS Banner

Look out for a new engagement feature in CPS
Be on the lookout for a red button in certain product monographs in CPS. This new engagement feature is designed to support your patient care efforts by offering additional product information and resources.

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Survey Banner

Survey: Shaping the future for pharmacy hiring and retention
CHEO and CSHP-ON are seeking pharmacists and pharmacy students to participate in a study examining current feelings on themes of workforce retention and job satisfaction in the pharmacy workforce. The study will inform recruitment and retention strategies across pharmacy sectors and will support CPhA’s workforce initiatives. Deadline to participate: May 31, 2024.

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engagement feature in CPS Banner


engagement feature in CPS Banner

Survey: Exploring a potential model for pharmacist credentialing in Canada
Researchers at the University of British Columbia are exploring whether or not Canada should have its own credentialing program. They are seeking Canadian licensed pharmacists with 50% or more of their current practice in direct-patient care activities and Canadian pharmacy leaders overseeing pharmacists providing that care to complete a short survey to share your thoughts. Deadline to participate: June 30, 2024.

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engagement feature in CPS Banner

Natural disasters and pharmacy practice: Tools to help you prepare for emergencies
With wildfire season already upon us, it’s a good time to check out CPhA’s natural disaster tools and resources. They can help you and your patients prepare for emergencies and deal with them when they occur.

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