Thanks to pharmacy professionals, Canadians are protected and cared for. Canada wouldn’t be where it is now without you, and we can’t thank you enough!
Since the pandemic began...
You stayed open and accessible, caring for more than 10 million patients every week. You answered questions and calmed fears. Managed drug shortages. Filled gaps in care with additional health services. Gave a record number of flu shots. Improved access to COVID-19 testing. Administered 17 million COVID-19 vaccines and counting.
Through it all, thank you for being there. Thank you for keeping our communities safe and cared for.
Canadians have taken note
We recently asked Canadians what they thought of their pharmacists and one thing is abundantly clear: patients see and appreciate the extraordinary efforts and dedication of the profession.
For more see: What do Canadians think about their pharmacists anyway? Turns out, a lot by Christina Tulk, CPhA Chair