CPhA statement on Canadian Pharmacists Conference Opioid Summit
June 2, 2017 (Ottawa/Quebec City): The Canadian Pharmacists Association (CPhA) issued the following statement today on the 2017 Pharmacy Opioid Summit held at the Canadian Pharmacists Conference in Quebec City. Part of CPhA’s commitment in the Government of Canada Joint Action Plan on Opioids, the Summit focused on sharing and discussing pharmacy-specific strategies and actions with a broad range of pharmacy stakeholders and identifying further opportunities for pharmacy involvement in resolving the crisis.
“The pharmacy community in Canada has been heavily impacted by the opioid crisis that continues to expand across the country. As medication experts and the most accessible health care practitioners, pharmacists have a critical role to play in all aspects of the crisis, from appropriate pain management and opioid control and monitoring to identifying and treating addiction and supporting harm reduction strategies.
“Inspired by the federal Opioid Conference, co-hosted by federal Minister of Health Jane Philpott and Ontario Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Eric Hoskins, which took place in November 2016, pharmacy organizations and stakeholders came together at the 2017 Pharmacy Opioid Summit, in conjunction with the Canadian Pharmacists Conference, to share and discuss pharmacy-specific strategies and actions and to identify further opportunities for pharmacy involvement in resolving the crisis.
“The following list is a collection of commitments and actions offered by each participating organization at the Opioid Summit. The commitments reflect a broad range of pharmacy focused interventions, including pharmacist education, the promotion of best practices and guidelines, and ensuring the availability of harm reduction tools. We would like to thank each organization for their contributions and leadership on this issue. By working collaboratively with governments, regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies, industry and healthcare professionals, and with the appropriate leadership and support by pharmacy, we are optimistic that the crisis will be managed.”
For more information, please contact:
Gabrielle Berard
Policy and Research Manager
Mark McCondach
Communications Advisor